Creating families of all kinds.

We were the first surrogacy agency in the world to help gay parents welcome a baby. 30 years later, we still stand proud and eager to help LGBTQIA+ couples and individuals fulfill their dream of parenthood.

Honored to be your preferred partner.

Each year more and more LGBTQIA+ parents come to us seeking the specialized expertise and continual compassion we're known for. Today, more than 30% of our clients are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, having recognized our invaluable insights into the legal and medical nuances of surrogacy.

Surrogates with similar values.

In addition to rigorous screening for both physical and psychological health, we'll match you with a gestational surrogate who is supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community and excited to help you meet your little one.

Comprehensive communication and care.

We work with an extensive network of acclaimed fertility clinics across the United States. You can trust that a knowledgeable, LGBTQIA-friendly fertility specialist will handle the medical components of this exciting process, and that he or she will be as committed to your success as you are.

  • A Culture of Respect
    While the process of surrogacy for LGBTQIA+ parents is similar to what other parents experience, there are a few unique considerations. We understand the intricacies of this journey and are honored to support you.

    Selecting a fully-screened surrogate
    All of our surrogates undergo extensive physical and psychological health screening evaluations prior to matching.

    Compassionate, like-minded surrogates
    Our surrogates are diverse, but they all have one thing in common–their desire to help parents have a child of their own. We will match you with a surrogate who is supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community.

    Storage of reproductive material
    Should you wish to preserve frozen eggs, embryos, or your donor’s sperm for a future biological sibling, we can give you access to secure long-term storage through an exclusive partnership with Ovation® Fertility Storage Solutions.

    Same-sex surrogacy laws
    Specific U.S. and international laws apply to surrogacy for LGBTQ parents. We can connect you with a reputable lawyer who is well-versed in the surrogacy laws of your area.

    International experts

    As experts in international same-sex couple surrogacy, CSP has served hundreds of same-sex couple parents who have traveled to the United States for surrogacy. In every case, their babies have been able to return with them to their home countries, thanks to our thorough attention to every legal detail.

    Communication facilitation
    Once your surrogate has a positive pregnancy test, we help you plan for your involvement in the pregnancy and birth. If you and your surrogate want to stay in touch after you meet your baby, we can help facilitate that process.

  • For Gay Dads
    Gay parents make great parents, but we also know there can sometimes be a learning curve when it comes to surrogacy and egg donation. Because gay couples and individuals will require an egg donor, we're ready to assist you in finding just the right donor. We partner with Ovation® Donor Services, who offers immediate access to frozen donor eggs in customized lots, so you can get started as soon as your surrogate is ready. We're also happy to work with your egg donor or donation agency of choice, as we know all journeys are unique and flexibility is key. The eggs from your chosen donor will be shipped to your fertility specialist for thawing and fertilization, who will then transfer the healthiest embryo to your surrogate’s uterus.

    Your fatherhood journey begins

    The first step is completing our online application. From there, we will contact you and help you move forward with your application and meeting your case manager. When you’re ready to move ahead, we will help you schedule the required medical testing before you select your ideal surrogate.

  • For Lesbian Moms
    We love helping lesbian couples and individuals find a path to surrogacy that works for them.

    Deciding who will provide the egg

    If you and your partner both have healthy eggs, you will need to decide who will provide the biological material. In some cases, both parents decide to contribute genetic material, and may want to freeze eggs or embryos for a future sibling. Should you need donor eggs, we are happy to connect you with our partner egg donor agency, Ovation® Donor Services, which offers customized lots of frozen donor eggs to make the process more affordable and effective.

    Selecting a sperm donor

    Seeing as how a sperm donor is a necessary component of this exciting journey to motherhood, we can connect you with a highly reputable sperm donor agency. It’s also possible you have a known sperm donor you’d like us to work with. We are happy to honor your preference.

    Take the next step toward motherhood

    Filling out our online application will get you one step closer to holding that precious little one in your arms. After we receive your info, we’ll get you scheduled with a case manager to discuss next steps.

  • For transgender parents
    We would love the opportunity to match you with a caring surrogate. While surrogacy for transgender parents is much like surrogacy for all parents, there are a few special factors we help you navigate.

    Determining the needed fertility treatments

    One of the first steps of surrogacy for transgender parents is working with a fertility doctor to determine what fertility treatments you need. These treatments will depend on your reproductive capabilities.

    Choosing your ideal surrogate

    If you need a gestational surrogate, we will assist you in finding a compatible match. Because all of our surrogates are intensively pre-screened, you will be able to choose a surrogate who has chosen to help you and is also medically and psychologically pre-qualified to get started as soon as you are.

    Working with considerate and open-minded gestational surrogates

    One of our top priorities when matching you is selecting potential surrogates who are eager to support you as a transgender individual who wishes to be a parent.

    Helping with donor selection

    If you need an egg or sperm donor, we’re ready to help. Our partner egg donor agency, Ovation® Donor Services, makes using donor eggs more accessible, and will help you choose donor eggs that best fit your goals. After an embryologist fertilizes the eggs with sperm, a fertility specialist will transfer the healthiest embryo to your surrogate’s uterus.

    Understanding transgender surrogacy laws

    The laws surrounding surrogacy for transgender parents vary from state to state and country to country. To facilitate a smooth legal process, we connect you with a knowledgeable lawyer who is well-versed in the transgender surrogacy laws of your location, and in the state where your surrogate resides.

    Fostering a relationship

    After you receive the exciting news that your gestational surrogate is pregnant, the next phase of the journey begins. We hope you will choose to be fully involved in the pregnancy as well the birth of your child, so we will assist you and the surrogate in creating a plan for communication, coordinating doctor’s visits and planning for the delivery. Most new parents choose to maintain a relationship with their surrogates after the birth of their baby, and we are happy to help support those communications on an ongoing basis.